The One Where Jacky Leaves.

Written by: Jeniffer

This fanfic takes time, a few months after TOW Jacky I , II, let´s see, Jacky is Ross new Girlfriend, a 20 years old woman , Rachel felt jeluos at first , but then she understand how much Ross love Jacky.

If you want to know more about it just read TOW Jacky I, II

Any comments about how is it just e-mail me at: J

Disclaimer: This fanfic script is based on the characters and settings of the TV show “Friends”, which is the property of Warner Bros. and Bright Kauffman Crane Productions, Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment."


[SCENE: Rachel and Monica´s appartament]

(Everybody is there watching a movie, Ross is depressed, something funny happened in the movie,everyone except Ross laughs)

Monica: What´s going on with you??,Why are you so depressed??

Ross: (sad face) Jacky go to France one week ago, and she hasn´t called yet.

Rachel:Don´t worry , maybe she has called you, but the line was busy .

Ross: (with more spirit) yeah!! you are right!! Maybe she has called all the days but the line was busy, and I don´t have anything to worry about.

Joey: Yeah! The only thing you have to worry about is that she is cheating you with someone else in France, so she has forgot your number, and that´s why she doesn´t call you.(everyone look at him like saying “Shut up”)

Ross:(depressed again, sarcastic)Thank you Joey!!!

Joey: (Without understanding) Never mind!!

(opening credits /comercial)

[Scene: In the airport, Ross is waiting for Jacky with Red roses, Jacky see Ross, and she walk to him]

Ross: Hi!! (he gave Jacky the roses)

Jacky: Ohh!! You shouldn´t have!!

Ross:How was the flight?

Jacky: Well I don´t know I sleep all the flight.

Ross:oh…I see; Come on, let´s meet with the gang at Central Perk

Jacky: Yes, but first we need to talk.

Ross: About…?(he gets a little worried)

Jacky:uhm…I tell you later…but not here, can we go to your place?

Ross: Sure.

[Cut to Ross appartment, they are in the couch and Jacky is to serious, Ross is very worried thinking, that maybe in her travel, she cheated him]

Jacky: You know why do I go to France?

Ross: Yeah, for the conference…(starts thinking)or it was for another thing??

Jacky:You know that I am not a Paleontologist, but, with you I have learned everithing about the museum,anyway, I go to France for a conference, but I didn´t tell you what kind of conference right?

Ross: Yeah, so I think it´s my turn to ask you what kind of conference was it?

Jacky: Well I never tell you but I am a model, and I go to France for an opportunity of a whole carrier as a model in France

Ross:(getting upset) so…(waiting for an answer)

Jacky:(Sad expression L ) So I am going to move to France in 3 Days…

Ross: And for how many time?

Jacky: uhm…5 years, I think

Ross: Oh my god!! It´s a lot!!

Jacky: I know, I have already rented a beutiful appartment, in France...

Ross: (very depressed),Well, at least we can enjoy these last days, don´t you think?

Jacky: No, I don´t want to feel depressed my last days in New York, so…I think we would end now.

Ross: What?!, Why…why don´t we wait until you leave??

Jacky: You don´t understand I won´t be able to pack anything, or to be ready to leave if I am with you,(starts to cry) because everytime I am with you ,it doesn´t matter if I am cooking, or I am holding a very ancient bone, if I am with you , I forgot all the things that I doesn´t do with you, I cancel everything just for be with you, so if we don´t break up today, probably I wont be able to leave you…and this travel to France is so important to me, understand me , my hole life depends of it…the only thing that stops me to go to France is you…and you know why?…(he looks at she waiting for the answer)…because I love you too much…

[they hug, and share a looong kiss, they are crying,then Jacky said to him]

Jacky: You know I will always love you, but I know we won´t be able to wait for each other…so if you find someone with the one you feel like the way I feel with you, I would be soo happy for you.and I hope that if I found someone like you , you would be happy for me.

Ross: (depressed)Of course I will, but even if you are in France we can talk to each other and be friends don´t you think it?

Jacky: Yeah , of course!

[She is preparing to leaven, when he suddenly kiss she in a very pasionate moment, after the loong kiss they hug and she leave his appartement]


Central Perk, Everyone except Ross is there.

[he enters ]

Ross:Hi (The depressed one)

Monica: What happen??, you look very bad.

Ross: Jacky is gonna move to…France…in 3 days

Phoebe: How long?

Ross: 5 years, for a her carrier as a model.

Joey:She was a model?

Ross:Yeah, and her carrier depends of that travel…

Rachel:But, what are you doing here, if she leaves in 3 days go with her!!

Ross:No , I can´t , we have already broke up…

Rachel:Oh… I am sorry.

[everyone hug Ross]

Monica: Why don´t you come with us to our appartment?

Ross: Ok I will go later…

[everyone leaves, except Rachel]

Ross: You are not going with them?

Rachel : I think you may need to talk with someone

Ross: Yeah, but you don´t know how much I love she

Rachel: Maybe not, but if there is something that I can do for you, just give me a call, you know my number.

Ross: Yeah, I know it.(Very depressed)could you leave me alone for one second please?

Rachel: Ok I see you at the appartment.

Ross: Thanks.

[Rachel leaves and he stays there thinking for a while then he goes to Rachel and Monica´s appartment and enters as if nothing happened to him]

Chandler: Where have you been, you stay at Central Perk a lot!

Ross: Oh…no when you leave I just stayed 10 minutes more then I go out for a walk.

Monica: But , you are ok?

Ross: Of course I am ok, why shouldn´t I been ok?

Joey:Because you broke with your girlfriend, and she is gonna move to France, maybe.

Ross:oh…the “girlfriend thing”, no Joey I am over that don´t worry

Phoebe: That wasn´t what you said in Central Perk, there you were depressed!!

Ross: Yeah I know, but I told you Pheebs I am over jacky ,ok. Now can we talk of other thing please!!

[No one understand Ross, but then change the subject, and try to, skip everything related with Jacky]

Joey: Monica, where is the jam??

Monica:I don´t know Joey, I think you have already eaten all the jam jars!

Joey: Oh you´re right, I will go to my place to look for jam…

Phoebe: I go with you!

[They leave]

Chandler: Monica, you didn´t have to be at work 1 hour ago?

Monica: Oh my god!! You are right, my boss will kill me…Why don´t you come with me?

Chandler: Ok!

[they leave, Rachel turns on the radio and, sits in the couch next to Ross, the song with or without you, is palyed in radio]

Rachel: oh…that song bring back, so many good remembers…(starts to remember)

Ross: Yeah, I haven´t heard it in a long time…

Rachel: Yeah…me too…

[They look to each other,and they said at the same time]

Ross/Rachel: I have something to tell you

[both giggles]

Ross/Rachel: No, you go first…

Rachel: Please go ahead.

Ross: Ok, well you know I am afraid, because, Jacky left me and first I feel so lonely and I missed her so much, but then, something happened and I didn´t missed her as much as I thnik I would, suddenly it has as if nothing happened before…I think that I have never been able to love someone as…as I love you before the “break” and all the other things…(a tear roll on Rachel´s cheek)

Rachel: Well, I have to tell you something too, I still love you soo much, and when I saw you with Jacky, I thought I have lost you forever…and I was very jelous, but then I saw how happy you were with she and I understand, that maybe, we won´t be a couple again, but we were friends…[Ross interrupts she]

Ross: Stop…Because I love you too.[ he take Rachel´s face and kiss her, they keep looking to each other and then kissed again]

Ross: Do you think that we could…be a couple again??

Rachel:You don´t know how much I waited you to said that!!

[they kissed again, and in the same moment Phoebe and Joey enter, they stop and look at them]

Joey: Are two back again?

Rachel: Yeah, we are…

Phoebe: Oh…I knew it you two are lobsters!!


[Central perk, Ross,and Rachel are hugged,Joey is eating jam,and Phoebe is singging ,Monica and Chandler enters]

Chandler: Do I missed something or you two are back again?

Ross: No , you didn´t we are back again.

Monica:Oh I am so happy for you two

Joey:I knew that they would be back together someday!!

Phoebe: Of course they are lobesters!!


End J