Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, as much as I wish
I did. They belong to Marta Kauffman, David Crane and
Kevin Bright.
(everyone is at Central Perk)
(it’s Thursday)
Phoebe: Hey, guess what?
Rachel: What?
Phoebe: We’re going back to the beach house!
Ross: Alright!
Joey: We are gonna have lots of fun this time. Right dude?
Chandler: Yeah! We can party! I mean, could this be any more fun?
Monica: Joey? We don’t have to play strip poker this time, okay?
Joey: We’ll decide that later.
Rachel: When are we going?
Phoebe: This weekend!
Rachel: You mean 2 days from now?
Phoebe: Actually, we’re leaving tomorrow afternoon!
Rachel: We are? Oh, no, I have an important meeting tomorrow night.
Monica: Oh no, it won’t be any fun without you.
Rachel: I could come by myself Saturday morning, but I don’t know how
to get there. How long are you planning on staying?
Phoebe: All week!
Chandler: Well, maybe we could all go on Saturday morning.
Phoebe: Yeah!
Rachel: Well, okay! But no extra visitors. (she looks at Ross)
Joey: Girls, pack lightly okay?
Monica: Why?
Joey: So that there’s room for us in the car.
Ross: Yeah.
Chandler: I don’t think you should be complaining Joey.
Joey: Why not?
Chandler: You used to pack 4 bags for a 3 day trip.
Joey: How would you know?
Chandler: Your old girlfriends tell me.
Joey: They do?
Phoebe: What girlfriends?
Joey: Ha, ha, very funny.
(opening credits, the song, and commercials)
(Saturday morning comes)
(outside Central Perk)
Rachel: Well, let’s go.
Chandler: Do you really need the hat again?
Ross: Yeah, I mean, I gave it to you.
Rachel: Yeah, you did. Here Monica, have a hat.
Monica: That’s okay, it’s too tacky for me. Maybe Phoebe wants it.
Rachel: Pheebs?
Phoebe: No thanks, it’s too big, maybe Denise wants it. I’ll ask her
when we get back.
Rachel: Okay, well, I’ll run upstairs and put it in the apartment.
Monica: Here, I’ll do it.
Rachel: Okay.
Monica: Chandler, come with me.
(they walk upstairs)
(Monica & Chandler’s place)
(Monica throws the hat on the couch)
Chandler: Isn’t this nice?
Monica: Yeah, going to the beach for a week.
Chandler: I got you a present, I’ll go get.
Monica: Okay!
(he goes in his room)
(he comes back)
Chandler: Here you go.
Monica: (opens it, and sees a purple shirt) Oh thank you! I love it!
(she goes in her room and puts it on)
Monica: It even matches my pants today!
Chandler: So you like it?
Monica: Of course I do. Did Ross help you pick it out?
Chandler: Nope, picked it out all by self. Oh, we better go downstairs,
they’ll go without us.
Monica: Oh, yeah.
(they go outside)
Rachel: What took you so long to throw a hat on the couch? And where’d
you get the shirt? It’s nice.
Monica: It’s a present from Chandler. I love it!
Joey: Great shirt man!
Ross: Nice, I like it.
Phoebe: Awesome! Now let’s go or we’ll be late.
Ross: Late for what?
Rachel: Yeah, I thought we had all day.
Phoebe: Oh, um, I, uh, kinda invited Denise with, she’s going to meet
us there.
Joey: What? I thought it was just going to be us.
Monica: Yeah, I was looking forward to hanging out with just you guys.
Phoebe: I’m kidding, don’t worry.
Chandler: Oh good. Well, let’s go.
Phoebe: All right.
(they all get in the cab and drive away)
(time lapse, 2 hours later)
(in the car, about halfway there)
Monica: Oh, Rach, how was your meeting last night?
Rachel: Oh, great!
Joey: Really?
Rachel: Yeah, I got a chance to tell them my great advertising idea
and everything.
Ross: Well, that’s good.
Monica: Yeah.
(they stop talking)
(time lapse, another 2 hours later)
(at the beach house, getting out of the car)
Phoebe: Well, here we are!
Joey: I’m so happy, I could cry.
Chandler: (quietly) Baby.
Joey: I heard that, I’m not a baby. I was being sarcastic.
Chandler: (unconvincingly) So was I.
Phoebe: Let’s go in.
Ross: Okay!
(they walk in)
Rachel: What? Why is the sand still here?
Phoebe: Um, yeah. They couldn’t get someone to get it out. No one within,
like, 100 miles does anything like that, and they
don’t come up here very often anyway, so they thought it would be fun.
Ross: Okay, strange.
Chandler: Oh, well, it’ll be fun.
Rachel: Yeah, and I made sure to bring some nail polish.
Ross: Uh oh.
Joey: That reminds me, I made sure to bring some cards.
Monica: What for? Oh, don’t tell me, you think we’re going to play
strip poker don’t you?
Joey: Maybe.
Chandler: Joey, Joey, Joey.
Ross: Hey, it was your fault we had to play last time.
Phoebe: Yeah, it was.
Chandler: Uh, let’s go unpack.
Monica: Same rooms as last time?
Rachel: I also brought some margarita mix.
Ross: What? So you can try again to get me drunk?
Rachel: I don’t need to try too hard.
Ross: Very funny.
Joey: I thought so.
Rachel: Did you really?
Joey: Of course.
Rachel: Ok then. I’m going to make some margaritas now who wants one?
Monica: I’ll have one.
Phoebe: Me too.
Ross: Yeah sure.
Joey: You can count me in.
Rachel: In for what Joey?
Joey: Uh, having a margarita.
Chandler: Uh, I’ll have one.
Rachel: Okay, one for everybody. Now, I brought lime and strawberry.
Who wants which?
Monica: Uh, how about we make one at a time so it doesn’t make such
a mess? We’ll take a vote. Who wants lime? Raise your
(Monica, Ross, Chandler, and Phoebe raise their hands. Joey starts
to but then sees Rachel didn’t, changes his mind)
Monica: All right, We’re making lime first. Rach?
Rachel: Yeah?
Monica: Duh, you can make them now.
Rachel: Oh, kay.
(she starts making them)
Chandler: Hey Joey, since we’re not going to play strip poker this
time, what are you going to do?
Joey: I don’t know, play cups?
Chandler: All right.
Ross: Anybody want to hear a joke?
Rachel: I don’t really wanna hear a joke.
Chandler: Not after last time.
Joey: No.
Phoebe: Let’s go unpack now, like we said.
Ross: Oh, nobody wants to hear my joke.
Monica: I’ll listen.
Ross: Okay! Why do birds fly south in the winter?
Monica: I don’t know, why?
Ross: Because it’s too far to walk!
Chandler: (sarcastically) Good one man!
Monica: Let’s go unpack now, or we’ll never get it done.
Rachel: These’ll be ready by the time you’re done.
(the rest go upstairs)
(time lapse, about 5 minutes later)
(they come down)
Rachel: Okay, your margaritas are on the table. I’m going to unpack
Joey: Oh, yeah.
(Rachel gives him a weird look and walks away)
Chandler: What are you doing Joey?
Joey: What are you talking about dude?
Phoebe: Oh, please isn’t it obvious?
Monica: Yeah, I mean, she says she’s going to unpack and you jump in
with “Oh yeah”
Joey: Um…let’s play a game.
Ross: Okay, as long as it’s not strip poker.
Joey: Um, all right.
(Rachel comes back and Joey blushes, she gives him a weird look)
Rachel: So, what are we going to do?
Phoebe: I know! We’ll do what we did last time-
Monica: I thought we just decided we weren’t going to play strip poker.
Phoebe: You didn’t let me finish. I’ll spin around and point to someone,
then they decide what we should do.
Monica: Oh.
Chandler: But if Joey gets picked, he can’t choose strip poker.
Ross: Yeah, you got that Joey?
Joey: What? Oh, yeah! Got it!
(Phoebe starts spinning)
Phoebe: Okay, Rach, you get to choose.
Rachel: (looks at Mon & Pheebs) Okay, we’ll paint the guys’ nails.
Chandler: Oh, no.
Ross: What?
Phoebe: Yeah!
Joey: Uh, oh, run!
(the guys run to Joey’s room and try to lock the door)
Ross: Hey! It doesn’t lock!
(the girls catch up)
Phoebe: Yeah, I know.
(they get it open)
Rachel: You guys, we have to do this. Those are the rules.
Joey: Yeah, well, rules are meant to be broken.
Monica: Not these ones, come on.
The guys: Oh, all right, etc.
(the guys go downstairs)
Monica: We each get a bunch of nail polish, kay?
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Can I get pink?
Monica: Uh, yeah Pheebs. Sure.
Phoebe: Okay!
(they go to their rooms)
Phoebe: I get to do Ross!
Monica: I’m getting Chandler!
Rachel: I’ll get Joey.
Joey: (quietly) Yes!
(they start)
Phoebe: Ross, which of these colours do you hate?
Ross: Um, the hot pink.
Phoebe: Okay, hot pink it is!
Monica: Chandler, which do you hate?
Chandler: Uh, the light blue.
Monica: Okay, no light blue for you, I’ll use bright purple.
Rachel: Joey, which colour do you like?
Joey: Anyone you like.
(she looks at him funny)
Rachel: Okay, I’ll use the neon green.
Chandler: When can we take this off?
Monica: Tomorrow, as long as Rachel brought the nail polish remover.
Rachel: Um, I was supposed to bring it?
(she winks at Monica & Phoebe)
Phoebe: Oh no!
Monica: Rachel! I can’t believe you forgot it! No, wait, I can believe
Rachel: Hey!
Phoebe: Now what? They’ll have to go around with nail polish on for
the rest of the trip.
Monica: Hey, what’s so bad about that?
Phoebe: Hey yeah!
Joey: Oh, no!
Ross: What? You forgot it?
Chandler: Oh, crap, this is almost as bad as the time I ran into Susie.
Monica: Woah, relax! It’s only nail polish.
Rachel: Yeah, come on, don’t be so immature.
Ross: You can’t call us immature.
Rachel: Why not?
Joey: Because…because…Chandler?
Chandler: Because, we’re not immature.
Phoebe: What a comeback.
Ross: It was.
Rachel: Yeah, sure.
Chandler: I can’t believe you guys are doing this.
Monica: Really? ‘Cause we’re not.
Ross: You’re not what?
Monica: We’re not gonna make you wear nail polish that long, we’re
Joey: That’s good.
Chandler: Yes!
Ross: Alright!
Monica: She just forgot the cotton balls to take it off with.
Joey: Uh, oh, run!
Phoebe: No, you guys aren’t going anywhere, we’re kidding again.
Chandler: Jeez, enough already.
Monica: Joey, what good would running have done anyway?
Joey: Um, I dunno.
Ross: After we’re done, can we style your hair?
Monica: I guess it’s only fair.
Joey: Hey, you made a rhyme!
Monica: So?
Joey: I’m just saying.
Rachel: Okay, I’m done. There you go Joey.
Joey: Wow, thanks, I’m so grateful.
(Chandler laughs)
Rachel: What? You didn’t want it done in the first place.
Joey: Uh, quick! Go get some hair stuff!
Rachel: What is wrong with you?
Joey: Um, hormones, now go, quick!
(she goes, but first gives him a weird look)
Chandler: (laughs) Hormones? Oh, brother.
Monica: Hold still. (pause) There, all done. Now wait for it to dry.
Chandler: Okay.
Phoebe: I’m done.
Monica: Come on Pheebs, let’s go get some hair stuff.
Phoebe: Kay.
(the go)
(Rachel comes)
Rachel: I’m ready. Let’s wait for Monica and Phoebe.
(time lapse)
(they come and Monica has a really big basket full)
Chandler: Hey Monica, did you bring enough stuff? We’re staying for
a week, not a month.
Monica: I know, I just want to look good.
Chandler: You don’t need all that to look good.
Monica: Awe.
Phoebe: Okay, let’s start.
Ross: Chandler, you mind if I do Monica’s hair?
Chandler: Um, okay, I’ll do Rachel’s. Actually, Joey, you can do Rachel’s.
Joey: Okay, you do Phoebe’s.
Rachel: (whispering to Monica) Oh no.
Monica: (whispering back) You poor thing. (quickly, to the rest) Well,
let’s get started.
Ross: Monica, I’m going to try a french braid.
Monica: Okay.
Phoebe: Hey, when we’re done, we all have to stay like this for the
rest of the day.
Joey: Like what?
Phoebe: Leave your nail polish on, and we’ll leave our hair like this.
Okay everybody?
All: Yeah, okay.
Joey: Rach?
Rachel: Yeah?
Joey: I’m gonna put it in one of those big clippy things, only one
on each side.
Rachel: Okay.
Chandler: Pheebs? I’m gonna put your hair in 3 ponytails.
Phoebe: Really? I always wanted to try that!
Chandler: Okay!
Monica: Ross? You’re not making me look stupid are you?
Ross: No, it looks fine.
Monica: Would someone please get me a mirror?
Ross: Not until we’re done, those are the rules.
Monica: Yeah, well, like Joey said, rules are meant to be broken.
Ross: Like you said, not these ones.
Monica: Oh, fine.
Joey: Hey Chandler? Am I doing a good enough job?
Rachel: You better be.
Joey: I thought you would know.
Rachel: How would I know? It’s not like I have a mirror or anything.
Joey: That’s not what I’m talking about.
Rachel: What are you talking about?
Joey: You’ll see.
Chandler: You’re doing fine Joe.
Joey: Thank you.
Phoebe: Hey Mon, your shirt has nail polish on it.
Monica: It does? Oh, no.
Phoebe: Yeah, it’s purple.
Joey: Then it matches your shirt.
Monica: Oh, I better go wash it off in the bathroom.
Ross: No, no, no, let me see. (pause as he looks) I don’t see anything,
where is it Pheebs?
Phoebe: Hehehe, I was juts kidding, you guys are so easy.
Monica: Oh good. I love my new shirt.
Chandler: (quietly) Yes!
Joey: (he gives Rachel a mirror) So, Rach, do you like it?
Rachel: Wow, it looks great! I thought it’d look stupid.
Joey: Hey!
Rachel: No, I didn’t mean the style, just how it’d come out.
Joey: (sniffs) I can’t believe you didn’t trust me.
Rachel: Please, it’s not like your hair ever looks this good.
Joey: Hey, my hair is cool, don’t diss it.
Rachel: Don’t diss it? You sound like a teenager.
Joey: Isn’t that good?
Rachel: What do you think?
Joey: I think you-
Chandler: Doesn’t Phoebe look great?
Joey: Dude, don’t cut me off, I’m not done.
Phoebe: Shush, be quiet! What were you saying Chandler?
Chandler: Your hair is done, see?
(he gives her a mirror)
Phoebe: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: Why, thank you.
Phoebe: It’s so good you should do my hair everyday.
Chandler: Wow, really?
Phoebe: Yeah, sure!
Chandler: You’re not kidding?
Phoebe: Yeah, but it is really good.
Chandler: Okay.
Ross: Mon, I’m done.
Monica: Good. Let me see. (she takes the mirror from Rachel) Woah,
Rachel, look at my hair!
Rachel: Wow!
Phoebe: Ross, where did you learn that?
Monica: Monica taught me.
Chandler: Is that true?
Monica: Yep, pretty good huh?
Joey: Yeah! Good job man.
Chandler: Awesome.
Monica: This is weird. I thought we’d all look stupid but we don’t,
we look awesome!
Rachel: Yeah!
(they all high five)
Joey: Now, what should we do?
Chandler: How about we play…cups?
Joey: Why? You want to lose more money?
Chandler: Oh, I won’t lose.
Joey: Come on dude, face it. You’re no good at cups.
Chandler: Care to make this interesting?
Joey: Sure.
Ross: Hey, I wanna play too.
Chandler: Sorry dude, it’s a 2-person game.
Ross: Oh, all right, I can play poker with the girls and take their
Monica: Hey, I could kick your butt at poker anytime.
Ross: Really?
Monica: Yeah, definitely, want to lose some money right now?
Ross: All right, you’re on.
Monica: Okay, let’s go play in my room.
(they go)
Chandler: Joey, go get your cards.
Joey: Okay.
(he goes)
(commercial break)
(he comes back and gives Chandler the cards)
(Chandler deals the cards)
Chandler: Oh, would you look at that! I got the silly cup card! (he
shows him the ten of spades) That’s worth 20 bucks!
Joey: Awe, man, here you go. (he gives him a 20)
Chandler: Thank you. Okay, let’s play 1 more round.
Joey: Okay.
(Chandler deals again)
Chandler: Do you have 1 of the eeb cards?
Joey: I dunno, which ones are those?
Chandler: The red 3’s.
Joey: No.
Chandler: I do. You owe me 50 bucks.
Joey: What? I don’t remember that.
Chandler: Sorry dude, those are the rules.
Joey: Okay. Here. (he gives him the money)
Rachel: Great. I’m going to bed now, I’m tired. (she yawns)
Phoebe: Yeah! I’m’ tired too.
Chandler: Are you sure you girls are going by yourselves? (he wiggles
his eyebrows)
Rachel: Yes, and don’t forget about Monica.
Chandler: All right, she can come too if you want.
Rachel: Chandler! You know what I mean.
Chandler: I know, I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t cheat on Monica.
Phoebe: I hope not, you guys are such a good couple.
Chandler: Really? Cool. Well, I’m going to bed now. Good night.
Rachel: Good night.
Phoebe: Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Joey: (shocked) There are bedbugs?
Phoebe: Yeah, they bite you in your sleep.
Joey: Oh no!
Rachel: Joey, no they don’t. Phoebe’s just trying to scare you.
Chandler: Joey, you know better than to believe something like that.
Especially from Pheebs.
Phoebe: Hey!
Chandler: Good night.
Rachel: ‘Night.
Phoebe: Sleep tight.
Joey: (inquisitively) How do you sleep tight?
Rachel: Joey! You don’t, it’s just an expression. Go to bed already.
Joey: (scared) But there are bugs.
Chandler: No there isn’t, don’t worry!
Joey: (in a small voice) Okay.
Phoebe: Good night.
Rachel: Good night.
Chandler: See you in the morning.
Joey: Good night.
(they all go upstairs)
(commercial break)
(the next morning)
(Chandler goes to Monica’s room, she’s still sleeping, he has flowers)
Chandler: Hey, Monica, wake up, I have good news.
(he tickles her toes and she wakes up)
Monica: Hey! That tickles!
Chandler: I know, how else were you gonna wake up?
Monica: What’s behind your back?
Chandler: These.
(he gives her the flowers)
Monica: Oh, thank you, they’re my favourite!
Chandler: (mocking being shocked) Really? I had no idea!
Monica: You are a terrible liar, you knew very well.
Chandler: Yeah I did. Hey, I have good news.
Monica: Yeah? What is it?
Chandler: Last night, while you were kicking Ross’ butt at poker, Phoebe
said we were a good couple.
Monica: Really? Awe.
Chandler: Yeah, so did you take lots of Ross’ money last night?
Monica: Actually, it was pretty close, I only took 20$.
Chandler: Hey, it’s better than nothing.
Monica: Yep. Well, let’s go downstairs. As soon as we get dressed.
Chandler: Okay, see you in a few.
(he leaves)
(time lapse, about 5 minutes later)
(they are going downstairs, and run into each other)
Monica: Hey.
Chandler: Hey. So, uh, you notice anything strange with Joey lately?
Monica: No more than usual. (they laugh) No, but seriously, he’s got
a big crush on Rachel.
Chandler: Just what I was thinking.
Monica: Really?
Chandler: Let’s talk about this later.
Monica: Okay.
(they continue walking downstairs)
(everyone is there but Rachel)
Monica: Hey everybody!
Ross: Hi.
Phoebe: Hi.
Chandler: Good morning.
Joey: Hey!
(Chandler goes to the cupboard and gets chips for breakfast)
(Rachel comes down in her pyjamas)
Rachel: Hey, who’s up for a margarita?
Joey: Me!
Ross: It’s, like, 8:30. What’s wrong with you?
Rachel: I’m kidding, don’t worry.
Monica: I hope so. I hope you’re kidding too Joey.
Joey: Um, yeah!
Monica: Good, hey Rach, why are you up so early? You usually sleep
till 10, unless you have to work, of course.
Rachel: Huh? (she looks at the clock) It’s only 8:30? Are you sure
you guys aren’t playing a trick on me?
Joey: Why would we do that?
Rachel: I dunno. Huh. It’s gonna be a long day now.
Chandler: Oh yeah, really long, a whole hour and a half longer. My
god, what are you going to do?
Rachel: Very funny. I don’t think it’s right to be this sarcastic so
early in the morning.
Chandler: Oh, actually I can, I have a special license for it.
Rachel: Okay, sure whatever.
Phoebe: So how is everyone enjoying the trip so far?
All: It’s great, fun, etc.
Phoebe: Good, so who wants to go to the beach today?
Monica: I do!
Rachel: Um, yeah, let’s go. We can work on our tan.
Joey: Make sure you don’t have any tan lines from your straps Rach.
Monica: Why? And why just Rachel?
Chandler: He wants her to take her bikini top off.
Rachel: Oh, Joey, stop it!
Joey: What?
Ross: Joey. Get a life!
Monica: Okay, let’s just forget Joey ever said that and finish eating
our br- (looks at Chandler’s plate) food.
(time lapse, 30 minutes later)
(still in the kitchen)
Chandler: So, Joey, anything new going on with you lately?
Joey: (suspiciously) Why?
Chandler: Woah, I’m just asking because I’m wondering.
Joey: Okay. Actually, there’s this new girl I like.
Monica: What do you mean by new?
Joey: One I didn’t like in that way before.
Ross: (in a disgusted voice) Joe, is it one of these girls? In the
Joey: Maybe.
Monica: Oh, Joey. Is it me?
Phoebe: Yeah right, he knows you’re taken, it’s me.
Monica: (gives her a dirty look) That won’t stop him.
Rachel: Whatever, We all know it’s me.
Joey: You will all know by tonight. Or else just the one I tell.
Chandler: I can’t hold it in anymore.
Rachel: What? What is it?
Chandler: I know who it is.
Phoebe: Who? Tell me!
Chandler: Joey? Can I tell them?
Joey: No, we’ll tell them tonight, say around 8:00?
Rachel: Deal. We’ll be there. In the living room. 8:00 sharp.
Phoebe: Yeah, we aren’t missing Joey tell everyone he likes me.
Monica: And who says it’s you?
Rachel: Yeah, maybe it’s me.
Phoebe: You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say, me, Monica or
Monica: Whatever. (pause) Hey Pheebs, you dropped your pocket.
Phoebe: (looks down) Hey! Wait a minute! How can you drop your pocket?
Monica: (laughing) Hehehe, that’s funny. It’s just a joke.
Chandler: Hey good one! You’re catching on well.
Monica: Why, thank you.
Phoebe: Oh, I get it. Hey Rach, you dropped your pocket.
Rachel: (sarcastically) Really?
Phoebe: No, I’m just kidding.
Rachel: (sarcastically) Again, really?
Phoebe: No, I mean, how can you drop your pocket?
Rachel: I don’t know.
Chandler: Anyways, are we going to the beach or not?
Monica: We’re going. But I’m wearing my sandals everywhere. (mumbling)
I hate jellyfish.
Joey: Okay. So, everybody get dressed and meet down here in, say, 10
Ross: Woah, woah, woah, these girls aren’t going to be ready in 10
minutes. How about half an hour?
Monica: Sounds good to me.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Sure.
(they all split up and go to their rooms)
(time lapse, 15 minutes later)
Ross: I guess we took longer than we thought.
Chandler: Yeah, but the girls will probably be late.
Joey: Let’s just hope they don’t take forever.
Chandler: Yeah. So, Joey, can I tell Ross about your crush thing?
Joey: Hmm…
Ross: Oh, please, tell me please?
Joey: Okay.
Ross: Yes! So what is it and what’s happening?
Chandler: Well, it’s Rachel.
Ross: (obviously not happy about this) What?
Chandler: It’s Rach-
Ross: (still not happy about it) I heard what you said, Joey likes
Joey: No.
Ross: Yeah, but Chandler just said-
Joey: Yeah I know, we sorta made a bet kinda thing.
Ross: Oh. So what exactly is going on here?
Chandler: Well…I bet Joey that he couldn’t pretend to like Rachel for
the week.
Ross: And?
Chandler: Well, Joey owes me some money because he ruined it by making
me tell everyone.
Joey: I made you tell everyone? You only told Ross.
Chandler: Oh, yeah, um, how about we keep this to ourselves for the
rest of the week?
Joey: Yeah, but the girls think they’re going to find out tonight.
Chandler: Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan. Just follow my lead.
(the girls arrive in bikinis, towels and sandals)
Joey: Okay man.
Rachel: Okay what?
Joey: Um, uh, okay I’ll have a sandwich for lunch.
Monica: Chandler, that was a dumb question.
Chandler: What was?
Monica: Asking Joey if he wanted a sandwich.
Ross: Yeah, it was dude.
Chandler: Did I say that? Wow, it’s early in the morning.
Phoebe: And that’s an excuse?
Chandler: Yes it is.
(he falls backwards onto the couch, as if fainting)
(slight pause as everyone watches him)
Monica: Oh jeez, not again.
(she runs over to him and gives him a kiss)
Chandler: Oh, thanks. Don’t worry about me folks, I’m okay.
Rachel: We didn’t.
Chandler: (sarcastically) Thanks.
Ross: Are we going to the beach or not?
Monica: We are. I just have to do one more thing.
Phoebe: What’s that?
Monica: Tell everyone who Joey likes!
Rachel: Who?
Phoebe: Yeah, who?
Monica: I’ll just tell Rach and Pheebs on the way, Ross, you can suffer.
Ross: Nuh uh. I already know.
Monica: That’s not fair, you have to tell us now.
Joey: I thought you already knew.
Monica: Honestly Joey, you’re so obvious. It’s Rachel!
Rachel: It is?
Joey: Monica!
Monica: What?
Joey: What’d you do that for?
Monica: Hey, you told Ross, it’s only fair that I told them.
Rachel: You really like me?
Chandler: Actually, he doesn’t, not that way.
Rachel: What do you mean?
Joey: Chandler bet me that I couldn’t pretend to like you for the whole
Phoebe: Well, so now what?
Joey: Chandler owes me money.
Monica: How do you figure? You’re the one that told.
Chandler: No, no, no, no, no, we were in the living room and I asked
Joey if anything new was going on, and you said that
you liked someone! So there it’s all your fault!
Joey: Yeah, but you told Ross.
Chandler: And Monica told Rachel and Phoebe.
Joey: Yeah, so Monica owes us both some money.
Monica: What?
Joey: Yeah, you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut, so now you owe us
some money.
Monica: Hey, if you weren’t so obvious I wouldn’t have figured it out.
Joey: Oh right, I’m supposed to do that without being obvious.
Monica: Yeah, you do have a point there.
Rachel: Hey! How about…you guys stop fighting, no one owes anybody
money, and we go to the beach now?
Monica: Okay, sounds good.
Chandler: All right.
Joey: I guess.
Rachel: Good. Now let’s go to the beach. We’re all ready, and have
been for quite awhile.
Monica: Yeah, let’s go.
(they go)
(time lapse, 20 minutes later)
Joey: (whispers to Chandler) Hey Chandler, I bet you couldn’t pretend
to like Monica for the rest of the week.
Chandler: Joey! Why-what? I-I already do.
Joey: What? (short pause) Oh, yeah! I forgot!
Chandler: Oh Joey.
the end