TOW Cheating?


Monica: So, how did your conversation with Ben go?


Rachel: It was great! Yea, he called me mom!


Ross: really? That’s great! Wow, it is great to see you two bonding.


Chandler: Oh, I have to go to work. (Kisses Monica)


Ross: Oh, I have to get going too. (Kisses Rachel)


Joey: I’ll join you, the set needs me. (Kisses Phoebe.)


  (All of the guys exit.)


Phoebe: Ok, I need a divorce.


Rachel/Monica: What???


    [Ross’ Work] (He is uncovering a bone

Ross: (Singing to himself) Oh! The neck bones connected to the skull bone….

Woman: Ross?

Ross: Julie?

Julie: Yea! Hi! How are you?

Ross: I’m great! Yea, uh, what are you doing here?

Julie: I was transferred. I can’t believe you still work here

Ross: so, how long are you going to be here?

Julie: Oh, a couple months, if that. So, are you seeing anyone?

Ross: Rachel.

Julie: still?

Ross: What-what does that mean?

Julie: oh, I just thought you wouldn’t have still been together after all of these years.

Ross: well, we are. We are actually trying to have a baby.

Julie: oh, well, that’s great. I actually have three of my own. Brian, Suzy and Olivia.

Ross: wow. So, it was nice running into you.

Julie: Well, if you and Rachel ever want to go out for dinner, just call. (Hands him her #) Bye.


[Monica and Chandler’s] (Rachel, Phoebe, and Monica)

Rachel: what do you mean you need a divorce?

Phoebe: When you start finding lipstick on his shirts, and woman’s numbers in his pockets, it’s OVER!

Rachel: Oh, my God? Phoebe, be reasonable. He’s an Actor! How do you know what the lipstick isn’t from the set and the numbers…?

Monica: How do you know the numbers aren’t from his coworkers? Or fans! Some fans give numbers thinking that the actor will call them!

Phoebe: I guess. Well, ok. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. But if it happens much longer I’m kicking his ASS!

        [Ross’s Work] (Ross is talking to his friend from work, Oscar, who is played by Owen Wilson.)

Oscar: yea, so then I was like, “John, you can’t print that on a cup!” and her was all like, Whoa, Ross…

Ross: (Looks up from his paper work) Yea?

Oscar: You have lipstick on your coat. Is it Rachel’s?

Ross: Oh! Crap! I hugged Julie, and her lipstick must have rubbed off. Rachel is going to freak!

Oscar: Oh, just explain it to her, if she asks that is…

Ross: Ok, well, I have to get home. Do you still want to go out to dinner with Rachel and me tomorrow night?

Oscar: Yea, I’ll be over at six. Bye.

                [Ross and Rachel’s] (Nobody is home, at least Ross thinks, she’s in the shower.)

Ross: Rachel? Are you home? (No response) Ok. (He takes off his coat and hides it under the bed.)

Rachel: (From bathroom) Ross? I’m in the shower!! (Ross goes into the bathroom) Hey baby will you hand me the shampoo? (He hands her the shampoo)

Ross: so, how was your day?

Rachel: Oh, the usual, but hey! (Gets out of the shower and wraps a towel around herself)  I ran into one of the highest fashion designers who asked if I was a model. But that’s not all. She asked if I would model for her winter line. I declined, but it was a huge compliment. (She hugs him) If I want, I get to sign a contract for modeling. I told her I would rather design, and she said with this contract, I could do both!

Ross: That’s excellent! Wow, so uh, let’s celebrate! Are you still going out to dinner with me and Oscar tomorrow night?

Rachel: oh, definitely.

           [Phoebe and Joey’s]

Joey: so, Phoebs, are you sure you don’t want to go to the set with me?

Phoebe: NO!

Joey: What is wrong with you lately?

Phoebe: you’re cheating on me, huh?

Joey: I would never EVER cheat on you!

Phoebe: yea, that’s what they all say! Then it’s all: I was drunk, or, or I she was so hot, or, WE WHERE ON A BREAK.

Joey: Ok, the we where on a break thing belongs to Ross, and I would not cheat on my wife! Look at my mom and dad!

Phoebe: OK. But what about the perfume, and lipstick and-and, Numbers!

Joey: those are all from the set1 I swear!

Phoebe: Really?

Joey: I love you phoebe.

Phoebe: I love you too.

         (They kiss and land on the couch.)


[Ross and Rachel’s] (Ross isn’t home, but Rachel is getting ready for their dinner out.)

Rachel: (Singing) …When you are next to me, breathe in the air I breathe we don’t have… (Comes across Ross’ jacket with lipstick on it, then smells it) Oh my God…(Reaches into the pocket and pulls out the number) YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!


[Ross and Rachel’s] (Ross is just getting home. Rachel is pissed)

Ross: Hey honey…

Rachel: Don’t hey honey me. Where have you been?

Ross: I had overtime, Rachel, what’s wrong?

Rachel: Lipstick marks on your coat.

Ross: Rachel I…

Rachel: A woman’s number in you pocket. Perfume drenched!!!

Ross: Rachel it’s not like that, I swear!

Rachel: Ross, I want you to leave for the night.

Ross: No, Rachel. Hear me out…

Rachel: I promise, I will let you explain yourself tomorrow. Ok? NO we are not on a break. Just go to a hotel.

Ross: Fine, I’ll go. (He leaves, almost crying.)

     (Rachel sits on the couch and cries. A moment later there is a knock on the door. Rachel gets up and answers it.)

Rachel: Hey, Oscar.

Oscar: hi Rachel. Are, uh, we still going out to dinner?

Rachel: I’m sorry Oscar; there was a change of plans. You can come in, if you like.

Oscar: where’s Ross?

Rachel: a hotel. He’s cheating on me…again.

Oscar: oh, I’m sorry. You deserve much more than that Rachel. (Without thinking, he kisses her, and then realizes what he’s done.) I’m so sorry!

       (Rachel then kisses him back, very passionately)

Oscar: Rachel, I can’t do this. Ross isn’t cheating. The numbers belong to a female coworker and the lipstick and perfume was from when they hugged. Ok?

Rachel: Wow, I made a huge mistake.

Oscar: I’m sorry. I swear, I won’t tell Ross about the kiss if you don’t.

Rachel. Crap, I need to find him right now!

Oscar: Ok…why?

Rachel: I’m pregnant. You can’t tell him yet!

Oscar: OK, I’ll help you out. We got to get him… (They rush out.)

                          TO BE CONTINUED.