[Central Perk, everyone's there except for Monica]
Chandler: (walks into Central Perk to sit down at the usual couch) Hey guys
All: Hey, Hi Chandler
Rachel: I still can't believe you and Monica are getting married! It's
Joey: Yeah have you guys decided where yet?
Chandler: Well, we're not quite sure yet. We were thinking Puerto Rico
maybe Hawaii.
Phoebe: Oh! I'm going to have so much fun! I love the beach. I mean
you get married. I'm invited right???
Chandler: Of course Pheebs.
Rachel: Are you guys also thinking about kids, right?
Chandler: Oh sure, I would love to have a boy...(Monica
walks in)...Or ya know,
a girl.
Monica: What about a girl?
Chandler: Oh I was just saying I would love to have a little girl that's all
Monica: (snickers) Yeah, right!
[Opening credits]
[Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's place, Ross is there]
(Rachel walks in)
Rachel: Hey Ross! How you doin'?
Ross: Pretty good
Rachel: Look um Ross I wanted to ask you something
Ross: OK
Rachel: Well see look, I know this may be weird but I was wondering
sometime maybe we could...(Just then Joey runs in
the apartment)
Joey: Guys hurry I think there's something wrong with the duck! (Rachel
Ross follow Joey into his apartment) See look, she's running into the
quacking (Joey looks like he's going to cry)
Rachel: Don't worry Joe, she'll be OK. Come on let's take Phoebe's cab
to the
Joey: Alright. But you carry her. I can't stand to see my little duck
[Time lapse, Rachel and Joey are at the vet]
Dr. Meterman: I think I found the problem with your duck. She's gone blind
Joey: AHHH!!! No Please don't say it's so!! (Begins to cry on Rachel's
Dr. Meterman: Your duck is very smart, she'll figure her way around
(The duck
quacks and runs into the wall, Joey cries again)
[Time lapse, back at Monica, Chandler and Phoebe's, Monica is there
and Ross
just walked in]
Ross: Hey Mon.
Monica: Hey Ross. Where is everyone?
Ross: The duck is sick so Joey and Rachel took it to the vet
Monica: Aw, What's wrong with her?
Ross: Yeah I don't know why she went with him
Monica: What? No not Rachel. The duck
Ross: Oh! Ha ha. The duck was quacking and running into walls
Monica: Are you still in love with Rachel
Ross: Why is she in love with me??
Monica: I don't know. I know you still love her though. Why don't you
ask her
Ross: Because, well, she probably doesn't still love me
Monica: Oh Ross quit being a baby and go ask her out
Ross: You really think she'll say yes?
Monica: Yes! Now go on and find your women!
Ross: Ok!! (He leaves. Then comes back in) But um, she's at the vet
Monica: Oh yeah
[The hallway between the Joey and Monica's apartments, Ross is there,
for Rachel, Rachel and Joey are entering with the duck]
Ross: How is she?
Joey: (sobbing) blind!
Rachel: Joey! She'll be OK. No matter what she'll still love you! You
need to
stay with her and make her feel at home.
Joey: Yeah I guess you're right (Joey walks into his apartment)
Ross: Hi Rach
Rachel: Ross I need to talk to you
Ross: Ok.
Rachel: I know you probably don't feel the same, but I love you still,
and I
want to be together with you (Ross starts to laugh) What's so funny?
Ross: I was just about to tell you the same thing!
Rachel: I've missed you so much Ross! I just...
Ross: Shh... (He intimately kisses her)
[Commercial brake]
[Monica and Chandler's room, Monica and Chandler are there]
Monica: If we did have a kid, what would we want to name her?
Chandler: I'd want to name HIM Chandler Jr.
Monica: I'd name HER Monica the 2nd
Chandler: Him
Monica: Her
Chandler: Oh well we don't have to worry about it for awhile
Monica: Um, Chandler, I've been meaning to tell you something...
Chandler: OH MY GOD! You're... You're.... (Chandler almost faints)
Monica: Gotcha